The bike can loaded facing either side of the vehicle, depending on which side you mount the wheel stop to. In this step, you only need to decide which side you prefer.
(B.) Measure Your Bike’s Wheelbase
Measure your bike's wheelbase by measuring the distance from axle to axle.This will assist the assembly process in the next step.
(C.) Mount the Wheelstop
On the side you selected to put the front tire, insert the anchor into the big rectanglular slot by turning the wheelstop sideways as shown.Rotate the wheelstop forward to align with the platform ensuring the anchor is hooked under the platform.
(D.) Adjust Wheelstop & Install Tie Down Arm
Adjust the wheelstop forward or backwards to align with holes for the wheelbase of your bike – the furthest hole is for bikes with a 52” wheelbase and each hole adjusts the wheelbase by 4” to the smallest wheelbase of 40”.Insert the tie down arm into slot ensuring the curved section is facing outwards, then insert the bolt in the bag labeled "Step 2" (without washers). Place a washer and nut on end of the bolt under the platform and hand tighten. (Final tightening when your bike is loaded).
(E.) Mount Rear Tire Holder and Tie Down Arm
Repeat the wheelstop mounting procedure but this time with the rear tire holder.Adjust forward or backwards to align with the same hole as selected for the wheelstop.Insert tie down arm into slot ensuring the loops are facing upwards, then insert the bolt in the bag labeled "Step 2" (without washers). Place a washer and nut on end of the bolt under the platform and hand tighten. (Final tightening when your bike is loaded).Note: The wheelstop and rear tire holder can be placed in any of the mounting holes, but matching the front and back hole pattern will help center the bike on the rack.