Full Time RV with a Scooter

After years adventuring with an oversized toy hauler and Honda Goldwing F68, Dennis and Liz (@eatseerv) downsized to a smaller class C RV, to more efficiently hit the road for full time adventuring.

And while they were ready to downsize, they weren’t ready to let go of a two wheeled adventure companion. So after lots of research and consideration, they landed on their dream travel setup; a Fleetwood Pulse 24S (RV), and a Yamaha Xmax 300. To combine the two, they chose a MotoTote because of its functionality and design; a trusty platform for their mobile lifestyle.

Since embarking on their adventures, they have traveled from Florida to Texas, to Mexico and back. Now they are enjoying their summer in Colorado and planning a return to Mexico; to complete the West Coast, Yucatan, and Baja. Not surprisingly, they say some of their favorite places they’ve explored and rode has been in Mexico, because of the fun colorful streets and beach towns.
With their MotoTote, they’ve been able to confidently travel to new destinations, down unpaved roads and been able to enjoy the most of it all. Their favorite parts of their MotoTote are: the cleanly stored loading ramp behind the main track and how secure the bike is in transit.

To follow more of Dennis & Liz’s journey you can follow them online at their blog, Youtube and instagram.