(A.) Align Add On MTM Platform to Other End of Square Tube
Locate and place the Add On MTM platform onto the other end of your existing Mini carrier square tube.Align the holes but don't put the bolts in yet.
(B.) Attach Fold Up Mechanism to MTM Platform & Square Tube
Locate the fold up mechanism and align holes with holes to the Add On MTM platform & square tube. Find the two long hex head bolts, two nuts, and four washers in the bag labeled "Mini DUAL Fold-Up Step 1B". Slide one washer on each bolt and guide them through the fold up mechanism, Add On MTM platform and square tube. Place the remaining two washers on the other side and secure with the nuts. IMPORTANT: Tighten bolts on both MTM platforms until the side gaps are closed and the connection is tight. The bolt is only tightened when the gaps are fully closed, which will eliminate the platform from rocking back and forth. For geeks: Max torque 45 ft-lbs. but 25 ft-lbs. should be plenty.